Please register online hereand fill in the respective form
no later than 30. June 2022.
Abstract Submission
- Please send your abstract (maximum 3 pages) to
no later than 07. July 2022.
- Please use this template for your abstract.
Conference fee and Payment details
- The registration fee is 190 € and includes the conference venue, welcome-get together, coffee breaks, two lunches, the guided city tour or harbour boat trip and the official conference dinner on Tuesday, 6 th September 2022.
- The costs for the field trip are an additional 50 € and will include transportation and lunch.
- The fee for accompanying persons is 120 €, including the welcome-get together, conference dinner, the guided city tour or harbour boat trip and the field trip.
- A respective invoice will be issued as part of the conference package.
The registration fee has to be transferred to the account given below no later than 07. July 2022 in order to finally validate registration:
- Account holder: Bundeskasse Halle
- Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank - Filiale Leipzig
- IBAN: DE38 8600 0000 0086 0010 40
- Intended use: 1180 0490 8406 / Last Name, First Name (= mandatory information!)

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